
LazyBoard keyboard supports a number of variables to use it in your phrases
Placeholder variable
  • You can set dynamic variable and replace it when inserting a phrase => Dear {customer} , hope your are doing well..
Date variable
  • You can insert dynamic date with different formats => {DATE: EEEE}, {DATE: dd.MM.yyyy}, etc..
Multi Choice variable
  • You can let LazyBoard show you a list to choose from when inserting a phrase.
  • Format: {Choice 1|Choice 2|Choice 3}
  • Example: Hello {Customer’s name}! We’d be glad to help you regarding your {issue|feedback|idea} and would love to help you! {Thank you!|Thanks!|Best regards!}
Multi Choice variable
  • You can let LazyBoard show you a list to choose from when inserting a phrase.
  • Format 1: {Choice 1|Choice 2|Choice 3}
  • Format 2: {Label?Choice 1|Choice 2|Choice 3}
  • Example: Hello {Customer’s name}! We’d be glad to help you regarding your {Regarding?issue|feedback|idea} and would love to help you! {Thank you!|Thanks!|Best regards!}
Clipboard variable
  • Insert clipboard content when this variable in your phrase => %CLIPBOARD%
Cursor variable
  • When this variable on your phrase so the curosor will move to this positin after inserting the phrase => Move cursor to here %CURSOR%.
Tab Key variable
  • Replace it with tab space => %tab-key% content after tab.
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